Entete photos


May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
This is one of the ruins that lie outside the ancient city of Sukhothai.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
Wat Sorazak. The Sukhothai Historical Park covers about 5 km around the ancient city.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
Wat Sorazak.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
Park of Wat Sorazak.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
Herds of Zebu in the park of Wat Sorazak.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
Map of the ancient city of Sukhothai.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
The Wat Mahathat . It is the largest temple in the park, it measures 200 meters long. It is centrally located in the ancient city.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
The park has been classified world heritage of the humanity by the UNESCO.

May 2008
Audrey's photo
NIKON Coolpix L5
The Wat Mahathat is the spiritual and administrative center of the city.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
The top of the stupas is in the shape of lotus buttons.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
The Wat Sa Si. It is located on an island, it can be accessed by a footbridge.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
The Wat Sa Si is also named the monastery of the holy pond.

May 2008
Eric's photo
Nikon F50, lens 28/80mm
This is a peaceful place.


Created by Eric,
Eric's photos and talended friends.
Translated by Audrey.
Last update: Thursday, December 23, 2010.